Fees & F.A.Q.s

How do we keep fees low?

WTC deliberately keeps fees low to make validated programmes as accessible to as many students as possible. This means that all students, not just those on bursaries, are subsidised by donors who believe in WTC’s vision.

Image of Lucy Peppiatt teaching classroom - Fees FAQs page

If you share our vision and can help financially, please consider contributing an additional amount above your fees to help towards the cost of delivering the programmes. Find out more HERE.

FEES FOR 2024-25:

£4,400 p.a.

£4,400 p.a.

£4,400 p.a.


£4,150 p.a.
+ £850
Dissertation fee

£1,000 for the course


We offer programmes in ‘Kingdom Theology’ because at the heart of our study is the belief that Jesus came proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. Through his life, death, and resurrection, he has brought the reality of the Kingdom to this world. Our study of theology means engaging with a Kingdom that is powerful and transformational. God’s Kingdom means hope for humanity and the earth in salvation, healing, freedom from oppression, reconciliation in relationships, joy, peace, creativity, and untold blessing. The Kingdom touches all aspects of life, and invites us to reimagine our life, work, and mission.

Find out more HERE.

No. We are committed to developing a model of theological education that encourages people to remain in their own contexts where they can stay engaged and outwork their learning while they are studying in their lives, work and church settings.

We recommend that you allow for between 5 and 10 hours personal study time per week on top of the time you will spend in your Hub. Some students are able to give much more time than this and others manage on slightly less.

We have a Learning Development Tutor who provides support and guidance to those students who need it. We include in the first Residential an essay writing session giving practical help and advice for essay writing. Fear of essay writing is very common amongst our new students but everything we do is geared up to ensure that you are able to succeed. Take a look at some testimonies from students who have benifited from the Learning Development resources we offer.

We make every effort to support all students appropriately. Students are encouraged to disclose any support needs they have as early as possible so that arrangements for reasonable adjustments such as adapted accommodation at the Residentials, or 1-1 Learning Development tutorials, for example, can be planned in advance, making your transition to undertaking study with WTC easier. 

We are able to do screening for dyslexia, for example, and students can apply for a bursary towards the cost of formal assessments. Students can also get advice about assistive technology.

You may have heard of the Disabled Students’ Allowance, but unfortunately WTC students are unable to apply for this because we do not qualify for Student Finance.

If you have queries or concerns, or suspect that you are atypically neurodiverse, e.g. dyslexic, but this has not been formally identified and you would like advice, please contact our Learning Development Tutor, Clare Vernon (studyskills@wtctheology.org.uk), before you begin or at any time during your studies.

You may also wish to visit the ‘Concerns About Studying’ page: https://wtctheology.org.uk/programmes/concerns-about-studying/

GradDip students who live more than 1.5 hours travel time from a WTC Hub can study as a Flexi-GradDip student. Flexi-Grad Dip students must attend all Residential elements of the programme they are studying but will not be part of a WTC Hub. They will access lectures and tutorials between Residentials online.

Students on the CertHE and BA programmes are all based in Hubs.

MA students can choose whether to be a member of a Hub or to be a Flexi-MA student. Flexi-MA students must attend the two Residentials (Sept & Jan) but do not attend the Hub-based MA Saturdays.

WTC does not offer any validated fully distance learning options. We do offer a non-validated one-year online Foundations Course as an entry-level introduction to theology.

In most instances, yes. If we have a Hub near you and they are running the programme that you were on, then it is easy to move.

If you are a GradDip student and are moving more than 1.5 hours travel time away from a WTC Hub, you might be able to transfer onto the Flexi-GradDip model. Please talk to the Dean of Studies (freddy.hedley@wtctheology.org.uk).

For the most part no, the curricula are fixed. However, there are a few choices between modules on some programmes. Check out the detailed programmes tab to see the details.

If you have already completed some theological study, you may be eligible to apply for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning). RPL means that any prior learning may be considered as credit towards your programme. For all instances of RPL, please discuss your options with the WTC Registrar.

All WTC programmes are validated by Birmingham Newman University, so any credits you gain during your studies with WTC are transferable to other Higher Education Institutions.

WTC does not offer formal ordination training in any specific denomination. However, we have church leaders from many independent churches and church networks who study with us. We also have a number of students testing a call to ordination are able to use their credits at another institution.

There are many creative ways that students find to pay their programme fees. Here are just a few ideas:

    • • Ask your friends and family for support.
    • • If you are in employment, ask your employer if they would be willing to cover a proportion of your programme fees. Many employers are committed to Continuing Professional Development and are happy to help.
    • • WTC has partnered with Kingdom Bank, a private, Christian bank, to provide a loan provision for WTC student fees. Kingdom Bank along with WTC will assess your application and only eligible applications would be approved. The assessment would also include carrying out a credit search to assess credit worthiness. All loans taken out with Kingdom Bank would be in your name and need to be paid back over an agreed period. There is no lower income level below which you do not have to repay these loans.
    • • There are a number of Grant Making Trusts which have supported WTC students in the past. The details for some of these can be found here.
    • • If you are involved in any form of church service, ask your church if they would be willing to help. (They may not be able to support you financially, but may be able to give you an opportunity to talk about your desire to study. We find that this often opens up other avenues of support.)
    • • Some churches pay a contribution to the cost incurred by members undergoing relevant training, even where they are not currently involved in church service.
    • • Think of creative ways to raise the money through doing something for sponsorship, i.e. run a marathon or host a sponsored event.
    • •Apply for a WTC Bursary.
    • •Create a public profile with Stewardship (see an example of a WTC student profile at Bible Education at WTC Theology – Jake James)
    • •Crowd funding… There are many options out there!
    • •And last but by no means least, PRAY. If God wants you to study, he will make a way. Ask him to show you how.

Yes. We have two small bursary funds – the Principal’s Bursary Fund which is for men and women with a history of offending or addiction, and a means tested General Bursary Fund. Please click here for more details about each fund and the criteria for applications. We are also eligible to select two students to apply for a grant sponsored by the Evangelical Alliance and funded by the Jerusalem Trust. This scheme is particularly geared towards those in their final year of study, intending to work in full-time pastoral ministry and who have special financial needs. Please read the application criteria carefully. If you think you are eligible to apply for any of these funds, please contact us and we will forward the relevant forms for completion.

WTC bursary applications will be considered on or around 30th April, 31st May, 30th June and 31st July. This means that you will not necessarily hear from us about your application until shortly after the next of those dates.

There are a number of Grant Making Trusts which have supported WTC students in the past. The details for some of these can be found here.

WTC students cannot access government loans through the Student Loan Company.

However, WTC has partnered with Kingdom Bank, a private, Christian bank to provide student loans. Kingdom Bank along with WTC will assess your application and only eligible applications would be approved. The assessment would also include carrying out a credit search to assess credit worthiness. Click here for details of how to apply for a loan.

When you receive your fee invoice, there will be an opportunity to make a gift in addition to your fees (either monthly, termly or once a year) towards, or to cover the whole cost of, your programme. Where appropriate, Gift Aid will be collected on this gift but not on your fees. Please follow the instructions on your invoice to make this gift payment separately from your fee payment.

Concerned about finance?

Our friends Stewardship may be able to help you to raise your financial support. The Partner Account for Individuals will help you manage your financial support for living costs and personal ministry expenses in one place. You’ll get a range of tools to manage your support, connect with your supporters and develop a team of ministry partners. Find out more here.


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