Church Planting & Leadership

Graduate Diploma

This 2-year part-time programme is designed for students who already have a bachelor’s degree in a subject other than theology, and who can demonstrate experience in, or recognition from a local body for, church planting and leadership.

GradDip Church Planting and Leadership image of people working from above table

Consideration is given to applicants who are not graduates of a Bachelor’s programme but who have significant experience in church planting and leadership, who wish to study on the programme.

Graduate Diploma in Kingdom Theology
with Church Planting and Leadership (CPL)

  • – Designed for individuals currently involved in church planting or pioneering, or preparing for future involvement,
  • – Integrating a strong emphasis on Spirit-filled leadership,
  • – Providing a chance to learn from a variety of experts in the field within a dynamic learning environment.
   Giving you the opportunity to:
  • – Join with others who share a vision for church multiplication,
  • – Study and reflect on the unique challenges and opportunities of church planting with an excellent teaching team of academics and practitioners,
  • – Establish a long-term support community for the church planting journey.

This programme is validated by the University of Chester.

This programme is validated by Birmingham Newman University.

What do our CPL students say?

"My time with WTC has been the greatest gift - really enriching. Each module and lecturer has helped to grow my understanding and love of God's word. I have been struck by how much they know but also their humility in still searching and learning. I began the course with a heart for a church expression in the locality where I live. Now we have a community that meet regularly and a monthly local cafe style church, accessible for all."


2nd year student
"The course has been a really valuable place to learn and grow in theology. This is something I've been able to take into my role building life group studies, running alpha, and as part of the church leadership team. The course has had a direct impact on growing my relationship with God. Fundamentally it helps challenge and grow theological understanding and apply this in a church context."


1st year student
"I have really enjoyed the course and it is pitched extremely well for those that are interested in Church Planting and Leadership. For me it has been more about walking 2 years with a group of people who have the same heart in many ways, sharing lessons learnt and realising that everyone finds it hard. The CPL journey has been well worth it."


2nd year student

Applications are now OPEN

Please contact us if you are interested or have any queries: 0300 040 6200 /


Modules for YEAR 1 are the same on both tracks of the Graduate Diploma programme:

Do you want to go on a transformational journey in which your little life story is caught up in the Story of the Ages? Then welcome to a course on going deeper into the study of the Old Testament, a Story which begins with Creation and ends with the prophecies of a new world in which everything has been transformed! Here is a place where you will obtain a better compass for your own journey as you see more clearly your way in the light of the Torah, the calls for justice from the prophets, the insights of the sages, and the praises and lament of the psalms. Welcome to a journey of transformation!

This module introduces students to the historical, theological and literary content of the New Testament. It will focus especially on the challenges of reading various and distinctive styles and themes across New Testament genres and authors. Attention is paid to the practices and beliefs of Christianity in the context of Second Temple Judaism and the first century church. Selected texts provide case studies that illustrate the historically conditioned character of early Christianity. There is a consideration of both the exegetical value and the critical challenges that an historical examination of the New Testament produces. Particular attention is paid to questions of Christology, eschatology, soteriology, Jesus’ spirituality, the ‘Kingdom of God’, the meaning of Jesus’ death and the relationship between these themes and the shape of Christian discipleship and ministry.

This module gives students the opportunity to delve into the fascinating questions around the person and work of Jesus Christ. Who do people think Jesus is? What does it mean for God to have become man and dwelt among us? What are the implications of the Incarnation for the church and the world? In this module we focus on the biblical and early church portraits of Jesus, questions around how one person can be the God-man, and the debates around orthodox views of Christ with a particular focus on the development of ideas around the identity of Jesus in the first few hundred years of the church.

This module covers biblical, theological, and historical foundations for spiritual formation and leadership, equipping students with different perspectives on discipleship and models of formation through the ages. The module covers fundamental doctrines of Christian identity through the idea of humanity made in the image of God, as well as discussion on how those ideas shape us as followers of Christ and leaders in any sphere. Students are encouraged to explore models of spiritual formation and leadership in relation to concepts of the kingdom, community, creation care, and the poor and to apply their learning to their own contexts.

Modules for YEAR 2:

This module (included in both tracks of the GradDip) builds on the foundations of the On the Incarnation module, as we go deeper into questions of the identity of Jesus and what it means to be ‘saved.’ We study some of the developments through history in thinking about Jesus, as well as the biblical perspective on the incarnation, salvation, atonement, and the second coming. Students have the chance to think through what all of this means for modern day discipleship, life, and engagement with the world in mission.

This module explores the scriptural and historical foundations of mission, church planting, and church multiplication. It focuses on the identity and implications of the church as a missional people sent in the power of the Spirit. There will be a strong practical focus on leadership and gender, following the leading of the Spirit, processes of church multiplication, building a local economy, laying apostolic foundations, fruitful evangelistic ministry, and engaging with society.

This module explores different perspectives on the nature and identity of church in relation to historical and contemporary doctrinal and missional developments. In addition to an appreciation of historical developments, students will study new forms of church and possible developments in the future. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on particular pastoral and devotional practices, approaches to church leadership and church multiplication, and to kingdom theology and ministry. This module will also include reflection on non-conformist and non-denominational models of church, charismatic approaches to church, and new monasticism. There will be a practical focus on questions of leadership, power dynamics, and gender.

This module will help students to reflect upon the call to develop excellence for church planters and those involved in student ministry and what this looks like in practice. Drawing on a servant leadership framework, this module will equip you to strengthen your ministry practice through diligence and confidence in self-awareness, communication, team and people-management, and conflict resolution while helping you consider these things from a biblical perspective.

*WTC reserves the right to change modules in line with the terms and conditions of the Student Contract. Any changes will be aligned with delivering a qualification at this level in Kingdom Theology.

For full programme delivery details, please visit the Programme Delivery page.

More about the Church Planting & Leadership GradDip:

This two year part-time programme offers foundational modules in Biblical studies, Church history, spirituality, and Christian beliefs. Students then build on these foundations with modules in mission, shapes of the church, and formation for leadership. This Graduate Diploma is designed for men and women embarking on the church planting journey, or church planters who are seeking deeper theological engagement to nourish their existing ministry. The Church Planting and Leadership Grad Dip is for graduates (in subjects other than theology) and also acts as an entry qualification for the MA in Kingdom Theology.



Anthony Delaney

Ivy Church, Manchester

Anthony leads Ivy, a network of churches in Manchester. When he arrived, ten years ago, Ivy was one church gathering in one building. Since then Ivy has grown to five locations led by leaders raised up within Ivy. Ivy has also sent out other church planters from their community. Anthony coaches and connects with other church planters nationally and internationally through NewThing and LAUNCH.

Roger Ellis

Roger Ellis

24-7 Prayer

Roger has been involved with church planting since he was 23 years old. He pioneered and led the UK student ministry Fusion and currently oversees 24-7 Prayer’s training and development. Roger mentors and trains church planters and pioneers around the world. He is the author of several books, including ‘Essence: The Manifesto of Jesus’, ‘Radical Church Planting’, and has developed several training courses.


Tom Lloyd

CPL Programme Director

Tom is the Programme Director for the Church Planting & Leadership track of the GradDip at WTC, and is also currently writing his dissertation as he comes to the end of his BA at WTC. Alongside working for WTC, Tom is leading a church revitalisation at Abertridwr Community Church in South Wales. Tom is passionate about seeing healthy and well-equipped leaders raised to plant and lead multiplying churches.


Andrew Masters

Lagan Valley Vineyard

Andrew is the Senior Pastor of Lagan Valley Vineyard Church, which he planted along with some friends in 2012. Andrew has been in church leadership for over fifteen years based in both Northern Ireland and North America, and currently oversees church planting for the Vineyard movement in Ireland. Andrew is passionate about seeing vibrant churches planted all over the island of Ireland and beyond.


This programme is designed for students who already have a bachelor’s degree in a subject other than theology, and who can demonstrate experience in, or recognition from a local body for, church planting and leadership.

As part of the application process, applicants will have up to two interviews: an initial interview with the Programme Director which will help the applicant understand the programme’s aims and outcomes, and to check that the programme is a good fit for their ministerial needs. If necessary, a second interview will take place with the Dean of Studies to determine the applicant’s ability to complete the course successfully.

  • – Generally, a Bachelor’s degree is required.
  • – For those without a Bachelor’s degree, but with professional qualifications or relevant experience, please contact us to discuss your eligibility for the Graduate Diploma.
  • – If English is not your first language, please see the English Language requirements on the Study With Us page.

Consideration is given to applicants who are not graduates of a Bachelor’s programme but who have significant experience in church planting and leadership, who wish to study on the programme. In these cases, applicants would be interviewed by both the Programme Director, and the Dean of Studies to establish their ability to complete the course successfully. All students have access to the study skills resources and learning development support we provide at this level.


The cost of this programme is £4,400 per year for each of the two years. This includes a £400 non-refundable deposit to confirm your place after receiving an offer.

Applications are now OPEN 

Please contact us if you are interested or have any queries: 0300 040 6200 /

Concerned about finance?

Our friends Stewardship may be able to help you to raise your financial support. The Partner Account for Individuals will help you manage your financial support for living costs and personal ministry expenses in one place. You’ll get a range of tools to manage your support, connect with your supporters and develop a team of ministry partners. Find out more here.


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